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What the FAQ?! How FAQ Page SEO Will Boost Your Website

“Is FAQ page SEO really a thing?”

Yup. When done right, at least.

Implementing FAQ page SEO can give you a higher chance to attract your target audience by showing up on Google for relevant queries while also adding some extra SEO juice to your overall website.

Lemme show you how.

Audience first! Don’t just create a FAQ page for SEO

Before looking at FAQ page SEO, however, there’s something that I must clarify:

The main aim of your FAQ page should still be to answer your audience’s questions and smoothen the buyer’s journey. Not to rank on Google!

While FAQ page SEO is still important and you should totally make the most of it, it doesn’t mean sacrificing UX to please search engines.

So, plan this page with your audience in mind and then optimise it for SEO.

For example, some of the ways in which a successful FAQ page can benefit your audience and business are:

  • Allowing your prospects to find a quick answer to their queries (duh)

  • Tackling their doubts and fears when it comes to investing in your products or services

  • Facilitating the buyer’s journey

  • Building trust

  • Standing out against your competitors

  • Saving yourself a ton of time by not having to answer the same questions over and over again

  • Showcasing your brand’s personality (a FAQ page doesn’t have to be boring!)

For all these reasons, you should start by gathering the right questions to answer

This will really depend on your industry, products or services, and whether you’re a fellow solopreneur or a business with a team:

  • Check with your sales team, if you have one: what do prospects tend to ask them?

  • Contact your previous or existing clients to ask them if there was anything that they weren’t crystal clear about before investing in your business

  • Look at forums like Reddit and Quora: what are people asking about your industry?

  • Google your main keywords, and check the ‘People Also Ask’ section 

How a FAQ page helps SEO, too

While they should always focus on providing value to your audience first, FAQ pages and SEO go hand in hand as well.

Overall, a FAQ page helps your website’s SEO by:

  • Providing tons of opportunities to include internal links, which help search engines crawl your website more easily and fully understand what it’s about

  • Giving you higher chances of showing up as Google’s main answer to some of your audience’s questions

  • Allowing you to target an additional keyword (after all, we’re still talking about a new page! You can optimise it for SEO like you would with the others)

So, is a FAQ page good for SEO?

Yes, a FAQ page is pretty darn good for SEO because it gives you higher chances to attract your audience organically while also helping you add more internal links.

At the same time, though, its main focus should be your target audience. 

Don’t ever forget that!

FAQ page SEO: how to optimise it correctly

Right. Now that you’ve found the most relevant questions and answered them in a clear and concise way, here’s how to perform FAQ page SEO.

1. Prioritise UX

This is especially important for your actual audience: if your FAQ page is confusing or overwhelming, it’s going to do you more harm than good.

Plus, because it’ll put your prospects off and push them to click away from your website, it could increase your bounce rate, affecting your SEO negatively.

So, display your FAQs nicely.

Depending on how many you’ve got, you might even want to consider dividing them into sections and having a preview on which people can click.

This will prevent them from having to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find out if their question is even in there (imagine how disappointed they’d be if it’s not).

Finally, think outside the box! In some cases, the best possible answer to a question might actually be a video or picture rather than the usual text.

2. Include some ‘People Also Ask’ questions if relevant

Of course, some of your audience’s questions will be about how to do business with you specifically, from refunds to queries related to your process.

However, some other ones have probably got more to do with your overall industry and type of products or services. So, whenever that’s the case, find the wording that your prospects are actually typing on Google.

To do so, start with the most relevant keyword or the way you’ve personally worded that question, google them, and see what results come up.

For example, let’s say that you’re a graphic designer.

You might be writing a FAQ along the lines of ‘how to work with me’ to help your audience kickstart their project.

Here’s what they’re actually googling, though:

By approaching this FAQ with a more generic angle and then tying it into your own process, you’d have higher chances of showing up on Google for that question in the first place. 

3. Add relevant internal links

This is one of the juiciest benefits of FAQ page SEO.

Whenever your clear answer references something that appears on a different page, link to it!

For example, it could be that your FAQ has something to do with the eco-friendliness of your products. Answer it, of course, but don’t forget to include a link to your Sustainability page.

Or, in some cases, you might have already written a blog post that answers that specific question more in-depth.

Keep in mind that FAQ page SEO doesn’t mean ‘adding internal links just for the sake of SEO’, though. You should only do it when they’re relevant and can benefit your audience.

4. Use schema markup for your FAQ page SEO

Sorry, it’s gonna get slightly technical now, but bear with me: it’ll be worth it!

This won’t compromise your website’s UX. In fact, your FAQ page will look identical in the eyes of your readers.

Why bother then?

Because, if you implement the right schema markup for FAQ page SEO, Google will understand it even better.

Not only that: your questions and answers can even show up in a tidy preview and overview like in this example.

Here’s how to add schema markup to your FAQ page SEO:

Basically, when done correctly (and now you know all the steps!), FAQ page SEO can actively help you make a better impression on both your audience and Google.

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