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How to Create a Company Blog that Helps Your Business Grow

Just like there’s no way you’d forget to add an About page to your business website, you definitely shouldn’t miss out on learning how to create a company blog either. Why?

Because blogging for your business is a versatile content marketing and SEO strategy that can bring you a TON of advantages and results!

To name just a few of the benefits of blogging, it helps you:

  • reach more of your dream audience organically

  • target them at all the stages of the funnel

  • rank higher on google

  • generate more leads

  • position yourself as an expert in your field

  • stand out against the competition

However, all those benefits are only possible when you’re blogging the right way, of course.

The blog on your business website should NOT be about company news

If you were ready to start dishing out articles based on corporate news (“Check out our new branch!” or “We’re delighted to announce that we won another award”), let me save you some time:

don’t bother starting a company blog, because nobody is going to read it.

“Wait, what should I blog about instead?! It’s a COMPANY blog, after all!”


The blog on your business website should be conceived as a content marketing strategy to attract and grow your target audience by giving them value. And company news are NOT value.

You must focus on blog posts that answer their questions about your industry, niche, or type of products and services.

That way, they’ll find out about you for the first time through their Google searches, you’ll position yourself as an expert in your field, and your audience will start to move down the funnel.

Are we on the same page, now?

Excellent! Let’s learn exactly how to create a blog for your business that helps you do that.

4 steps on how to create a company blog that STANDS OUT

Not a blog filled with articles that nobody is going to read.

One that actively helps you generate more traffic and leads.

1. Pick a realistic schedule and stick to it

How many times have you bumped into a blog page consisting of a promising introductory article, a second blog post about a relevant topic, a third one after a year gap, and then just… tumbleweed?

Blogging frequently is obviously the best option, especially to rank on search engines—there are even companies that blog every day!

However, if you haven’t got the capacity and budget for it, there’s no point in churning out hundreds of crappy articles.

Consistency and quality over quantity.

Committing to two excellent articles per month is much better than writing three articles a week to begin with, then one, and then forgetting about your blog for a couple of months (and so on).

So, be realistic!

Think of how often you can actually write articles in the long run or, if you’re commissioning them to a blog writer, how many articles per month you can afford.

2. Create a blogging strategy with your target audience in mind

Just like you have a marketing and social media strategy, you need one when you learn how to create a company blog if you want to write the kind of pieces they’ll read.

It’s also easy to lose motivation if you only have one idea for the first article and then… tumbleweed (again), so I recommend coming up with 5-10 titles before you actually start writing a blog post for your company.

  • Research relevant topics and long-tail keywords

When it comes to your industry, what questions do your target customers have? What are they interested in? What are they trying to find out?

For example, if you sell eco-friendly and reusable products, you could blog about sustainability-related topics (e.g. ‘How can I reduce my plastic footprint? 10 easy tips!’). 

Start with your audience’s pain points, and do some brainstorming. You can also think of a sub-topic, google it, and look at the questions in the ‘People Also Ask’ section (psst: answer them!).

Have a cheeky look at your competitors’ blogs, too (just for inspiration! No copying nor stealing).

Now, the most important thing if you want your audience to find these articles when they google their questions or queries:

Every single blog post should be based around a different long-tail keyword.

So, you must learn how to write SEO-friendly articles, too (be sure to bookmark that blog post for later).

  • Write content that provides value

Around 80% of all Google searches are informational: whether by answering their question or letting them walk away with something they didn’t know before, your blog posts must provide value to your readers.

Optimising your articles for search engines is obviously vital, but don’t forget that, ultimately, it’s us humans who’re going to read them and, eventually, buy from you.

Don’t just write for the sake of writing or SEO: make sure your readers can enjoy your articles and, most importantly, gain something from them.

This is also an excellent way of showing your expertise and building trust

  • Keep the sales funnel in mind

Blog posts are also the perfect place to add links to your other articles, products, services, and sales pages, as long as they’re relevant to that particular topic and the position of your prospects in the funnel.

Most articles tend to be for top-of-the-funnel leads, so use them as a starting point to help them start their happy descent towards the bottom.

If you sell sustainable clothes and have written an article on ‘Why fast fashion is bad’, you could end it by linking to a blog post on ‘How to ditch fast fashion’.

When writing articles for prospects who’re already towards the bottom of the funnel, it’d make more sense to link to your product or sales pages.

And, either way, if you mention something that you actually sell or offer as a service, it’s always worth linking to it at the very least.

For example, if you sell coffee-related equipment and are writing an article on ‘How to brew with the Chemex’, it’d be CRAZY not to link to its product page, don’t you think?

3. Promote your blog posts on social media

You’ve just written a ground-breaking blog post? Awesome! Make sure you tell everyone.

Share a direct link to your article with an unmissable call to action across your social media channels to drive traffic to your blog.

This shouldn’t be a boring “be sure to check out our blog”. Once again, the focus should be on your audience’s needs.

So, tease its content, and give them a flavour of what they’ll gain from reading it.

4. Share the best articles in your newsletter

Blog post packed full of value are also handy to complement your newsletter.

You can either base an entire email around one or add links to this month’s best blog posts.

This will help them gain traction and direct your readers towards your website.

Getting started with your company blog 🔥

Basically—when done right—blogging is an exciting and versatile strategy that will increase your lead generation, grow your audience, boost your SEO, build trust, and complement your social media and newsletter.

Now that you know how to create a company blog, are you ready to make the most of these benefits for your female-founded business?

If you can’t wait BUT:

  • you’ve got no clue as to what to blog about to attract your audience

  • you don’t know how to optimise those blog posts for SEO in a way that actually drives results

    I can help you in two main ways.

My step-by-step guide will show you exactly how to start (and keep up) blogging on your business website.

And how to do so in a way that grows your audience, brings you more leads, and positions you as an expert—even as a complete beginner.

Outsource your blog to a professional content writer and strategist (moi).

While it’s important that you still get involved by sharing your expertise, I’ll create the right blogging strategy for your brand and write the actual blog posts for you.

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