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How to Convey the Value of Your Services (& Sell More Easily)

You created the perfect offer for your ideal clients? Excellent start! But if they don’t understand its value, they still won’t invest in it.

That’s why you must get crystal clear on your service messaging and make it MAGNETIC for them.

So, I’ll show you exactly how to convey the value of your services successfully, including examples and frameworks to get you started.

Setting the right expectations when marketing your services

Before I show you how to articulate the value of your services, I want to make sure we’re on the same page.

I know you can’t wait to dive into it, but trust me: this will help you leave some common misconceptions behind and avoid costly mistakes (or disappointment).

A good service won’t sell itself. You need the right message

“Build it and they will come,” “A good product will sell itself”... This dangerous misconception circulates through different sayings, but the overall idea is the same: if your offer is good, you won’t need to put any effort into marketing it and selling it.

This could NOT be further from the truth!

It doesn’t matter how good your service is. You still have to:

  • Market it regularly 

  • Package it in a way that speaks to your audience

And that’s why your messaging is key. 

If your ideal clients don’t understand how this service can benefit them and why they should invest in it right freakin’ now, it won’t matter how skilled you are at delivering it: they’ll never find out because… they won’t take action.

So, keep reading to discover how to convey the value of your service successfully. 

Still, the best messaging and marketing won’t sell a bad service

Unfortunately, it goes both ways. 

Just like it’s hard to sell a good service if you haven’t got the right message, a strong message won’t save a bad service.

And by “bad” I don’t mean “low-quality” or anything like that! Simply “an offer that your audience doesn’t actually need or want right now.”

So, if you haven’t already done so, boost your chances of success by conducting some market research before launching your service and/or working on its messaging.

A common mistake: trying to sell the service itself

“But Giada, we’re literally here to talk about conveying the value of my service! What else should I sell?!”

I know. It sounds counterintuitive at first, but bear with me.

People don’t really buy a product or service: they buy a solution to their problem and/or they dream outcome.

For example, if you ever invested in a business coach, I doubt you were motivated by “Oh, I really want to find a programme with weekly sessions, a workbook, and Voxer access.” It was probably something along the lines of “Help, I’m stuck! I want to streamline my business so that I can go back to enjoying it but… I have no idea where to start.”

Whatever you’re selling, it’s the same with your offer!

Think of your service as the bridge that’ll take your ideal clients from their current pain point to their dream outcome. What they’re after isn’t the actual bridge: it’s the journey from A to B. 

So, don’t lead with the service itself, its features, and what’s included. Sell that overall transformation.

How to convey the value of your service with the right message

Now that you have a good idea of what to expect and what to avoid, let’s create a magnetic message to sell your service.

Clarify who this service is for

Hopefully, you created this offer with a specific client or segment in mind. If you didn’t, you might want to go back to the drawing board and get strategic. 

This is because, when we try to speak to everyone, our messaging ends up being so generic that it appeals to no one. Instead, specificity sells.

So, whenever someone reads or hears about your service, the goal is to make them think “This is for me!”

But how can you do that?

  • Name your target audience – If you can do that explicitly (for example, “women founders”, “new freelancers”, “middle-aged homeowners”), it makes things even easier

  • Create your messaging and marketing with them in mind – If there isn’t a clear category or name that you can use for them, it’s not the end of the world. But they should still recognise themselves when you mention their problem and current situation (more on that soon!). So, at this stage, just make sure you’re always speaking to this specific ideal client

For example, my 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ is for service-based women entrepreneurs.

Identify the main problem that your service solves for them

Some people might have told you that pain point marketing is dead. That’s a lie!

Of course, I’d never recommend any dodgy bro-marketer tactics like shaming your audience or making them feel horrible about themselves.

But psychologically, solving our problem is what motivates us to take action. So, you MUST remind your audience of theirs

To do this ethically:

  • Get clear on what that pain point is

  • Articulate it in a way that resonates with them

  • Meet them where they are right now

  • Do it with empathy

  • Show them you’re there to help them solve their pain point with your service

For example, my clients choose to invest in my 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ because their website copy isn’t bringing them leads, and they struggle to attract clients who want to work with THEM and them only. So, as a result (and that’s the big pain point), they keep wasting a lot of time and energy to sell their services. 

Basically, this is the start of our metaphorical bridge. So, identify the main point that your ideal clients are experiencing. 

Identify the final outcome

After meeting your ideal clients where they’re at right now, you must show them how your service will change their situation. So, how will their reality look and feel like afterwards?

  • Identify the main benefit and outcome of your service

  • Make sure it creates a strong contrast against the initial pain point

Remember: be specific! Don’t make vague promises like “I’ll supercharge your business” (what does that even mean in practice?!)

For example, the outcome of my 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ is that they’ll show up as THE go-to solution for their ideal clients and rely on website copy that attracts them and sells for them.

This is the second part of our bridge. So, identify your audience’s dream outcome.

If there’s anything else that sets it apart from similar services, include it

It’s almost time to bring these core messaging elements together. Almost

In some cases, this might be all you need to convey the value of your service. In some others, there might be additional elements that you can use to your advantage.

Some popular ones are:

  • Do you do this within a set timeline (e.g. “in 7 days” or “in 5 weeks”)?

  • Do you use a signature method (e.g. “with my proven Pics-that-Sell framework”)?

  • Will your clients get to their dream outcome without having to go through a difficult or annoying step, perhaps something that most of your competitors force on them (e.g. “without having to give up your favourite food”)?

This won’t only help you convey the value of your service: it’ll set it apart from all your competitors.

For example, the 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ takes my audience from “just another option in their niche” to “THE go-to solution for their ideal clients” in 3 weeks.

Package it all together, and sell that transformation 

Now, you have all your key messaging elements to convey the value of your service effectively. Ready to put these puzzle pieces together? 

Some things to keep in mind:

  • You probably won’t get it right the first time – That’s totally normal! Keep brainstorming

  • It’s handy to come up with a few different options – Depending on factors like wordcount and context, it might make more sense to use a shorter or longer message, a snappy tagline as opposed to the full one, and so on (for example, if I mention “for service-based women entrepreneurs in one of my headlines”, I won’t repeat it in my offer overview). The most important thing is to still keep your core messaging consistent

Some frameworks to get you started:

  • (Type of service) to go from (pain point) to (dream outcome) in (timeline)

  • Pain point, solution (= your service), dream outcome

  • (Type of service) for (ideal client) looking to go from (pain point) to (dream outcome)

Here are some examples for my own, the 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨:

  • “Go from ‘just another option in your niche’ to ‘THE go-to solution for your ideal clients’ in 3 weeks, and starts relying on website copy that attracts them and sells for you”

  • “Stop wasting so much time and energy to sell your services. Become the go-to solution for your ideal clients in 3 weeks, and start relying on website copy that attracts them and sells for you! You’ll also get to follow your bespoke guide to amplify your magnetic messaging with your marketing and always come up with effective content ideas easily”

  • “The brand messaging and website copywriting offer for service-based women entrepreneurs looking to go from ‘just another option in their niche’ to ‘THE go-to solution for their ideal clients’”

Keep your service messaging consistent

After brainstorming a few options and getting to your final one, KEEP. REPEATING IT. EVERYWHERE.

Your audience needs to see the same message multiple times to absorb it and take action.

So, if you don’t talk about it often enough or you keep changing it, you’re making things harder for them (and consequently, yourself).

Make your business and service messaging magnetic with my help

I hope this guide helped you craft a strong message to convey the value of your services.

When you’re so close to your business, though, I know it’s difficult to read the label from inside the jar (let alone write it).

So, if you’d rather do all this with the help of an expert… Hi! I’m Giada, the brand messaging strategist and copywriter for service-based women entrepreneurs:

  • Magnetic Messaging Compass🧭 Get clarity & your bespoke brand messaging guide in 1 week. Follow it to attract clients who already want to work with YOU and you only

  • 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ Brand messaging guide + website copy that actually sells for you

You already have the perfect services for your clients. Now, it’s time to package it in a way that attracts them and makes them think “It’s like she’s read my mind! This is exactly what I need right now.”

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