How we’ll make your marketing messaging magnetic🧲
Fancy going from “just another option in your niche” to “THE go-to solution for your ideal clients?” And attracting more perfect-fit prospects who already want to work with YOU (& you only)? Of course, you do!
Depending on your budget and what you wish to prioritise right now, I can help you do that in 3 main ways
🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨
VIP brand messaging & website copywriting offer
Your website copy shouldn’t just ‘be there’. It should be your best salesperson, attracting your dream audience and taking them from prospects to paying clients (even when you’re sleeping).
With the 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨, I will:
• fine-tune your messaging and brand story to position you as the ONLY logical option for your ideal clients
• craft strategic and SEO-friendly website copy that actually sells for you
• create a bespoke brand messaging guide so that you can keep your new messaging consistent everywhere and amplify it through your marketing
Investment: from £2997 (payment plans available)
Magnetic Messaging Compass🧭
Signature offer: brand messaging guide & 1:1 support
You provide the best services and you ARE selling them, but it’s mostly through referrals and… A LOT more time and effort than you’d like!
Cold outreach, endless DM conversations, content that only brings you engagement, calls with wrong-fit prospects who then tell you “It’s just not the right time” or even ghost you…
So, stop wasting time on marketing that doesn’t speak to your clients!
Instead, get clarity and a bespoke brand messaging guide in 1 week.
Follow it to always articulate the value of your services effectively and come up with an endless supply of magnetic content ideas easily
(so that you can attract clients who already want to work with YOU and you only)
Investment: £1300
Can-Do Consultation
1:1 session with custom action plan
Is there a specific marketing problem keeping you stuck? Maybe you know you offer the most valuable services but you still feel icky whenever you talk about them in your marketing (so, you hardly ever do)? Struggling to position yourself and sum up your business in a way that does it justice?
Whatever is keeping you stuck or overwhelmed, don’t let it waste even more of your precious time, energy, and money!
I’ll find the right solution and give you a bespoke action plan to fix it (with an extra dose of confidence and clarity)
Investment: £250