Can-Do Consultation:
go from stuck to unstoppable

Struggling to overcome a pesky problem with your online marketing, copy, or content? Been working HARD to promote your service-based business yet not seen the results you hoped for?

There’s absolutely no reason to waste even more of your precious time and energy!

Book a 1h call with a consultant and copywriter (moi).

I’ll analyse your issue, identify the right solution, and give you a bespoke action plan—so that you can finally move forward with clarity and confidence.

“But it’s my business! I should be able to market it and figure it all out on my own”

I’ve got both bad and good news for you:

❌ Even though I bet you’re incredible at what you do, the fact you founded or “are” the business is exactly the problem here

✅ It’s not just you: it’s completely normal

See, because you’re so close to your business, it’s hard to look at your issue objectively, whether that’s to figure out how to improve your copy or get yourself from A to B.

And that’s why browsing all those free resources—or chatting to peers who’re still experiencing similar problems—hasn’t been helping you move forward.

You need an expert who can analyse your problem or look at the bigger picture from the outside.

So, let’s get real: as a service provider, do you see yourself in any of these 3 avatars?

Avatar 1

So-Stuck-I-Cannot-Move-Forward Sandra

  • You’ve encountered a specific issue with your online marketing or business and just can’t seem to find a solution

  • You’ve been going around in circles because you either don’t know what to do or can’t tell if it’d be the right choice

  • You’ve been finding all kinds of excuses to delay this decision, wasting even more time (and money) as a result

  • You’re getting a little jelly of your competitors who keep rolling out new offers or showing up online confidently while you’ve been feeling stuck and overwhelmed

Avatar 2

Why-Is-My-Content-Not-Working Wendy

  • You’ve been working hard creating a ton of copy and content but it hasn’t been bringing you proper results

  • OR you’ve been paralysed with blank-page syndrome and stopped posting (or never started) because you don’t know where to begin

  • Whether it’s your LinkedIn posts, newsletters, or blogs: you somehow end up attracting likes, comments, and messages from your industry peers… rather than leads and sales from clients

  • You’ve been feeling discouraged because your competitors are smashing their content marketing game—and you just hear crickets instead of ka-chings

avatar 3


  • You’re a copywriter or content writer who can’t figure out how to start or grow their business

  • You’re a slave to content mills like Fiverr or Upwork

  • You only attract clients who expect to pay you peanuts—and not even in time

  • You feel trapped in a chicken-and-egg situation: “What do I do FIRST? Create a website? Launch a newsletter? Post on LinkedIn? Send cold emails?” *starts hyperventilating* (and if you’re already doing some of that: â€śWhy is it NOT working for me?”)

If one of them felt a little too familiar, fret not.

I can replace any of those avatars for you: how does Clear-And-Confident Connie sound?

(Or, I mean, I could even come up with an alliteration based on your actual name, if you really wanted me to)

Can Do Consultation review

Why book a 1:1 consultation with me

I’m Giada, the brand messaging consultant and website copywriter for female entrepreneurs.

So, I’m definitely your gal when it comes to all things copy and content—and 80s-inspired fashion, but that’s a whole different story. There’s more to it, though!

  • I’ve been doing my own marketing for years, generating inbound leads through my website, blog, newsletter, and social media

  • Before founding Crafty Copy, I used to work in a marketing department. I’ve dealt with multiple brands, managed all kinds of social media accounts, and planned new strategies and launches
    So, I can help you figure out the next steps when it comes to all things digital marketing and business, too

  • I graduated in Creative & Media Writing and am digital marketing, content marketing, and SEO-certified

  • Not to brag, but I’m pretty darn good at looking at the bigger picture for others.
    To give you a couple of examples: I once identified a MASSIVE untapped opportunity and USP for a client before we even got on a call.
    And I got someone to take action after they had spent 2 whole years procrastinating that particular decision (TWO. WHOLE. YEARS… Let that sink in!)

Figured out we’d be the dream team during this call? (We will be!)

Here are all the deets.

A powerful 1:1 call, clarity, and a custom action plan

Giada running a consultation with a client

You’ll get my undivided attention for a whole hour. Lucky you!

But there’s a lot more work that goes into it (from my end)—and value that comes out (all for you). 

In fact, the Can-Do Consultationl is NOT like your average power hour! I’ll put my thinking cap on before and after the actual session, too.

1. Booking and prepping

Choose the time slot that works best for you—and snatch it.

And please, fill in my booking form with as many answers and info as you can!

This will allow me to prepare for our session properly before we get on the actual call.

I’ll look at your questions and existing marketing materials, do A LOT of thinking and research, and identify the right solution in your specific case

2. Our energising 1:1 session

We’ll hop on Zoom and dive straight into your current pickle.

I’ll ask you more questions and share my ideas with you. I’ll also answer any additional questions you might have.

(If you were curious about the name of my office monstera, it’s Marylou. There ya go. Saved you some juicy time to use during our session).

You’re more than welcome to take notes, of course. 

But you don’t have to scribble everything down, because… well, check out the 3rd step

3. Receiving your custom action plan

After our Can-Do Consultation, I’ll go through all my notes and craft a bespoke plan for you.

It’ll recap what we covered during our session and break it down into actionable tasks.

That way, you’ll no longer feel overwhelmed and stuck: you’ll know exactly what to focus on next to overcome your current problem and move forward

Ainoha testimonial
  • Let me save you some time. This 1:1 consultation is NOT for you if:

    • You’re expecting me to fix your ENTIRE business model and EVERYTHING that’s wrong with it.
      While I do spend time preparing for the call, remember that the actual session is 1 hour. So, be realistic!
      What we can do is solve your biggest problem—the one that’s been keeping you stuck for months—or plan your next move together, saving you time and energy (and bypassing yet more inaction or trial and error)

    • You’re not prepared to have your ideas and preconceptions challenged.
      If what you’re doing right now isn’t bringing you good results, something needs to change.
      I’m here to identify it and show you what to do about it. So, don’t shoot the messenger!

    • You’re expecting done-for-you copy.
      This is a consultation! While you’re more than welcome to use any ideas and snippets I share with you, I won’t be writing new copy from scratch before, during, or after our session (well, not unless you choose to book and pay for a separate copywriting project).
      Fair? Good

    • You run an eCommerce business and were hoping for more technical advice

    But it is for you if:

    • You’re a service provider looking to get unstuck with one specific issue—and maybe ask a few questions on top of that

    • You’re ready to trust my expertise and advice

  • Anything you need help with when it comes to digital marketing, copywriting, and your service-based business!


    • Fine-tuning your brand messaging to attract your dream clients and repel nightmare prospects

    • Figuring out what type of content to post to generate actual leads from your target audience—not just likes from your industry peers

    • Understand why your current copy isn’t working and how you can improve it

    • How to blog on your business website in a way that brings you results rather than cobwebs

    • How and where to market your new business

    • How to launch a new service

    • Brainstorming powerful ideas for your upcoming content 

    • Planning the launch of the newsletter you keep promising yourself you’re going to start—and understanding what to email your audience about

    • Managing your workload and marketing without burning out… again

    • Planning a new strategic move for your business

    These are just some examples!

    If you don’t see your situation here but you know you have a pesky problem that’s related to digital marketing or copywriting, the Can-Do Consultation will fix it.

  • If your initial form answers reveal I can’t help you (maybe you’ve asked me for instructions on how to change a tire instead of digital marketing advice?), I will let you know

    I’ll cancel the call, refund you the money, and whenever possible, point you towards someone who can help.

    So, what exactly have you got to lose?

    (Nothing. The answer’s nothing)

  • Of course, you can! As long as you run a service-based business and are clear on what is and isn’t included in this consultation, at least.

    Fellow women founders are my target audience, but I’m always happy to work with entrepreneurs of all genders.

Louise testimonial
Giada with a client

Go from stuck to unstoppable in 1h

No more wasting your time, energy, and money going around in circles.

It doesn’t matter how confused and overwhelmed you are right now: you will leave this consultation feeling clear and confident—and beyond excited to put your custom action plan into practice.

After all, it’s called the Can-Do Consultation for a reason.