How to Convey the Value of Your Services (& Sell More Easily)
If your clients don't understand how your offers can benefit THEM, they won't take action. So, here's how to convey the value of your services successfully.
You created the perfect offer for your ideal clients? Excellent start! But if they don’t understand its value, they still won’t invest in it.
That’s why you must get crystal clear on your service messaging and make it MAGNETIC for them.
So, I’ll show you exactly how to convey the value of your services successfully, including examples and frameworks to get you started.
Setting the right expectations when marketing your services
Before I show you how to articulate the value of your services, I want to make sure we’re on the same page.
I know you can’t wait to dive into it, but trust me: this will help you leave some common misconceptions behind and avoid costly mistakes (or disappointment).
A good service won’t sell itself. You need the right message
“Build it and they will come,” “A good product will sell itself”... This dangerous misconception circulates through different sayings, but the overall idea is the same: if your offer is good, you won’t need to put any effort into marketing it and selling it.
This could NOT be further from the truth!
It doesn’t matter how good your service is. You still have to:
Market it regularly
Package it in a way that speaks to your audience
And that’s why your messaging is key.
If your ideal clients don’t understand how this service can benefit them and why they should invest in it right freakin’ now, it won’t matter how skilled you are at delivering it: they’ll never find out because… they won’t take action.
So, keep reading to discover how to convey the value of your service successfully.
Still, the best messaging and marketing won’t sell a bad service
Unfortunately, it goes both ways.
Just like it’s hard to sell a good service if you haven’t got the right message, a strong message won’t save a bad service.
And by “bad” I don’t mean “low-quality” or anything like that! Simply “an offer that your audience doesn’t actually need or want right now.”
So, if you haven’t already done so, boost your chances of success by conducting some market research before launching your service and/or working on its messaging.
A common mistake: trying to sell the service itself
“But Giada, we’re literally here to talk about conveying the value of my service! What else should I sell?!”
I know. It sounds counterintuitive at first, but bear with me.
People don’t really buy a product or service: they buy a solution to their problem and/or they dream outcome.
For example, if you ever invested in a business coach, I doubt you were motivated by “Oh, I really want to find a programme with weekly sessions, a workbook, and Voxer access.” It was probably something along the lines of “Help, I’m stuck! I want to streamline my business so that I can go back to enjoying it but… I have no idea where to start.”
Whatever you’re selling, it’s the same with your offer!
Think of your service as the bridge that’ll take your ideal clients from their current pain point to their dream outcome. What they’re after isn’t the actual bridge: it’s the journey from A to B.
So, don’t lead with the service itself, its features, and what’s included. Sell that overall transformation.
How to convey the value of your service with the right message
Now that you have a good idea of what to expect and what to avoid, let’s create a magnetic message to sell your service.
Clarify who this service is for
Hopefully, you created this offer with a specific client or segment in mind. If you didn’t, you might want to go back to the drawing board and get strategic.
This is because, when we try to speak to everyone, our messaging ends up being so generic that it appeals to no one. Instead, specificity sells.
So, whenever someone reads or hears about your service, the goal is to make them think “This is for me!”
But how can you do that?
Name your target audience – If you can do that explicitly (for example, “women founders”, “new freelancers”, “middle-aged homeowners”), it makes things even easier
Create your messaging and marketing with them in mind – If there isn’t a clear category or name that you can use for them, it’s not the end of the world. But they should still recognise themselves when you mention their problem and current situation (more on that soon!). So, at this stage, just make sure you’re always speaking to this specific ideal client
For example, my 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ is for service-based women entrepreneurs.
Identify the main problem that your service solves for them
Some people might have told you that pain point marketing is dead. That’s a lie!
Of course, I’d never recommend any dodgy bro-marketer tactics like shaming your audience or making them feel horrible about themselves.
But psychologically, solving our problem is what motivates us to take action. So, you MUST remind your audience of theirs.
To do this ethically:
Get clear on what that pain point is
Articulate it in a way that resonates with them
Meet them where they are right now
Do it with empathy
Show them you’re there to help them solve their pain point with your service
For example, my clients choose to invest in my 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ because their website copy isn’t bringing them leads, and they struggle to attract clients who want to work with THEM and them only. So, as a result (and that’s the big pain point), they keep wasting a lot of time and energy to sell their services.
Basically, this is the start of our metaphorical bridge. So, identify the main point that your ideal clients are experiencing.
Identify the final outcome
After meeting your ideal clients where they’re at right now, you must show them how your service will change their situation. So, how will their reality look and feel like afterwards?
Identify the main benefit and outcome of your service
Make sure it creates a strong contrast against the initial pain point
Remember: be specific! Don’t make vague promises like “I’ll supercharge your business” (what does that even mean in practice?!)
For example, the outcome of my 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ is that they’ll show up as THE go-to solution for their ideal clients and rely on website copy that attracts them and sells for them.
This is the second part of our bridge. So, identify your audience’s dream outcome.
If there’s anything else that sets it apart from similar services, include it
It’s almost time to bring these core messaging elements together. Almost!
In some cases, this might be all you need to convey the value of your service. In some others, there might be additional elements that you can use to your advantage.
Some popular ones are:
Do you do this within a set timeline (e.g. “in 7 days” or “in 5 weeks”)?
Do you use a signature method (e.g. “with my proven Pics-that-Sell framework”)?
Will your clients get to their dream outcome without having to go through a difficult or annoying step, perhaps something that most of your competitors force on them (e.g. “without having to give up your favourite food”)?
This won’t only help you convey the value of your service: it’ll set it apart from all your competitors.
For example, the 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ takes my audience from “just another option in their niche” to “THE go-to solution for their ideal clients” in 3 weeks.
Package it all together, and sell that transformation
Now, you have all your key messaging elements to convey the value of your service effectively. Ready to put these puzzle pieces together?
Some things to keep in mind:
You probably won’t get it right the first time – That’s totally normal! Keep brainstorming
It’s handy to come up with a few different options – Depending on factors like wordcount and context, it might make more sense to use a shorter or longer message, a snappy tagline as opposed to the full one, and so on (for example, if I mention “for service-based women entrepreneurs in one of my headlines”, I won’t repeat it in my offer overview). The most important thing is to still keep your core messaging consistent
Some frameworks to get you started:
(Type of service) to go from (pain point) to (dream outcome) in (timeline)
Pain point, solution (= your service), dream outcome
(Type of service) for (ideal client) looking to go from (pain point) to (dream outcome)
Here are some examples for my own, the 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨:
“Go from ‘just another option in your niche’ to ‘THE go-to solution for your ideal clients’ in 3 weeks, and starts relying on website copy that attracts them and sells for you”
“Stop wasting so much time and energy to sell your services. Become the go-to solution for your ideal clients in 3 weeks, and start relying on website copy that attracts them and sells for you! You’ll also get to follow your bespoke guide to amplify your magnetic messaging with your marketing and always come up with effective content ideas easily”
“The brand messaging and website copywriting offer for service-based women entrepreneurs looking to go from ‘just another option in their niche’ to ‘THE go-to solution for their ideal clients’”
Keep your service messaging consistent
After brainstorming a few options and getting to your final one, KEEP. REPEATING IT. EVERYWHERE.
Your audience needs to see the same message multiple times to absorb it and take action.
So, if you don’t talk about it often enough or you keep changing it, you’re making things harder for them (and consequently, yourself).
Make your business and service messaging magnetic with my help
I hope this guide helped you craft a strong message to convey the value of your services.
When you’re so close to your business, though, I know it’s difficult to read the label from inside the jar (let alone write it).
So, if you’d rather do all this with the help of an expert… Hi! I’m Giada, the brand messaging strategist and copywriter for service-based women entrepreneurs:
Magnetic Messaging Compass🧭 Get clarity & your bespoke brand messaging guide in 1 week. Follow it to attract clients who already want to work with YOU and you only
🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ Brand messaging guide + website copy that actually sells for you
You already have the perfect services for your clients. Now, it’s time to package it in a way that attracts them and makes them think “It’s like she’s read my mind! This is exactly what I need right now.”
Found this helpful? Start receiving more advice and content prompts to make your brand messaging and marketing magnetic 🧲
More #crafty blog posts on this topic:
How to Market Your Business Successfully (Without Burning Out)
No more throwing marketing spaghetti at the wall! Or disappearing after a promotional spree. Here’s how to market your business online strategically.
You’re excellent at delivering your services, but when it comes to marketing your business online? Eeeeeeeeeek!
Do you find yourself jumping from one strategy to the next, throwing marketing spaghetti at the wall and praying that something sticks? Still relying on unpredictable referrals and time-consuming outreach?
YOU shouldn’t be the one doing all the heavy-lifting! Your marketing should actively work for you and bring you results. Regularly.
So, I’ll show you how to market your business online in a way that actually works for you.
Because it’s NOT about going on marketing sprees, getting overwhelmed, disappearing, and doing it again (and again).
You must be BOTH strategic and realistic when you market your business online. Here’s how!
Setting the right expectations when marketing your business online
Most of my clients are women solopreneurs and founders of service-based businesses. And even though they work across all kinds of industries? I’ve encountered the same mistakes so far.
Maybe you’re still holding on to outdated marketing misconceptions. Perhaps you’ve been putting too much pressure on yourself—even though you’re just one person.
You see, I really want you to go into this with the right mindset and expectations. So, I’ll start by giving you the same tips I share with most of my clients.
You must market your business online consistently, NOT just when you need new clients
SO many business owners make this mistake.
They go all in with their marketing. Super pumped up! Two coffees and three Red Bulls in. They start posting on social media every day, sending a weekly newsletter, offering all kinds of free webinars…
But then, as soon as they’re fully booked? POOF! They disappear.
And then guess what?
Months later, once they actually need new clients, they reappear as if nothing had happened.
That’s NOT how marketing works, especially if you want to rely on organic and inbound strategies (= getting your dream clients to come to YOU). Instead, you must be consistent and stay top of mind with your audience.
So, get in the mindset and habit of marketing your business regularly, EVEN when you’re fully booked and can’t take on new clients.
But don’t worry: you can do this at your OWN pace
Learning how to market your business online consistently doesn’t have to mean “posting on social media every day, jumping on every new trend, and hustling 24/7.”
In fact, that could actually backfire!
If you force yourself to stick to a schedule that doesn’t work for you? You could easily end up being busy and churning out content just for the sake of it. And that WON’T move the needle.
So, remember:
when marketing your business online? Quality, consistency, and an actual strategy > quantity.
Find the right balance: not too little, not too much
I have two main tips (and it might sound like I’m contradicting myself, but bear with me):
Don’t put all your marketing eggs in one basket – Some business owners seem to think that being on Instagram (or LinkedIn, or just having a website…) is enough to call it ‘marketing.’ Sorry to burst your bubble, but that ain’t gonna cut it. For example, what happens if the algorithm changes or you lose your account?
Don’t spread yourself too thin – At the same time, you don’t have to be on every single platform, jump on every new trend, or have dozens of marketing tactics in place. You’d burn out! And you wouldn’t get the best results
So, you need to find the right balance for yourself.
This will look different depending on your business, audience, and personal preferences (as I keep saying: your plan and schedule must be realistic for you). That’s why I help my client with their marketing on a 1:1 basis.
But as you go through my list of ways to market your business online, you should be able to find a few that sound good and make you think “Yeah, I can see myself doing this.”
If in doubt, start small. You can always increase your marketing frequency or try new strategies ONCE you’ve mastered your initial ones (and only if you actually need to).
How to market your business online and get your dream clients to come to you
Full disclosure? There are so many other tactics and ways to market your business online!
But would it be helpful to overwhelm you by listing every single one of them? Me thinks not.
Instead, I’ve decided to focus on the marketing tactics that I discuss the most with my clients (fellow women solopreneurs and founders of service-based business) and that’ll help you get inbound leads.
1. Get clear on your brand messaging
Before you send out a single newsletter or open a new social media account, WORK. ON. YOUR. MESSAGING.
What do I mean by that?
Your messaging is how you talk and write about your business and services. It’s what you focus on the most and how you convey your value proposition, mission, story, and personality to your target clients – across ALL your marketing channels.
Marketing is really about amplifying your core messaging. If YOU are not clear on it and on what sets you apart from your competitors?
You can’t expect your audience to get it
Your marketing won’t work (or it’ll require a lot MORE hard work than it should)
For example, before working with me, some of my clients used to struggle to talk about their business in a way that made them stand out against their competitors.
They used to position themselves as “just another option in their niche” (e.g. “I’m A business coach”), use vague buzzwords that confused their audience (e.g. “I’ll help you supercharge your business” or “I offer business solutions”), and they kept changing their wording (e.g. they were “a business coach for solopreneurs” on their website but a “passionate business consultant” on Instagram).
Instead, I specialise in turning women entrepreneurs into THE go-to solution in the eyes of their dream clients.
And that’s what you should do before thinking about marketing your business online.
So, fine-tune your messaging first! You must always be able to tell us:
Exactly what you do / what type of business you run – Be clear and specific. For example, I’m a “messaging consultant and brand copywriter” (not a generic “copywriter” or “consultant”)
Who for – When you try to speak to everyone, you end up connecting with… no one. So, if you want to market your business online successfully, you must be crystal clear on who your target clients are. Not only that: how you refer to them. For example, I work with both women solopreneurs and founders of service-based businesses, so I usually say “women entrepreneurs”
How this benefits them – It’s not about features. It’s not about you being “passionate about your services.” Your core messaging should show your audience what you can do for them. Otherwise, we can’t expect them to care, can we? For example, I help my clients attract their audience organically and sell more easily by making their messaging and marketing magnetic
You must always be able to convey all this in one or two sentences and in a way that sets you apart from EVERYONE else.
For example: “I’m the messaging consultant and brand copywriter for women entrepreneurs. I’ll make your messaging and marketing magnetic so that you can get your dream audience to come to YOU and take them from 'prospects' to 'paying clients' more easily.”
So, brainstorm your core messaging, and start keeping it consistent across all your marketing materials.
2. Have a strategic business website
Don’t make the mistake of only relying on external platforms that you don’t own (*cough cough* social media). Plus, 56% of consumers don’t trust a business without a website—and I can’t blame them.
A business website can:
Set the right tone from the beginning, positioning you as an actual professional and expert (not an amateur)
Attract your audience organically (more on that soon!)
Take them from prospects to paying clients for you, even when you’re sleeping
But if you want it to do that, you can’t fill it with random words.
So, get strategic copy for your website: copy that amplifies your core brand messaging and story, speaks to your specific dream clients, and actually sells your services.
Keep going through my guide on how to market your business online, but consider bookmarking my article on how to write your own website copy (so that you can go back to it later).
And if you’d rather leave it to a professional, check out the 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨, my premium offer combining messaging, consulting, and done-for-you website copy.
Once you’ve got a business website:
Create a Google Business Profile, too
Create listings on relevant directories (like Yell or industry-specific ones like TripAdvisor)
3. Optimise your website copy for SEO
Sure, you can always link to your website on social media or direct your audience to it.
But why miss out on…. err, AAAAAAAAAAAAALL the people who are actively looking for the types of services you offer (and don’t follow you on social media or know about you just yet)?
It’d be cray-cray, wouldn't it?
For example, some of my clients had never heard of me before but they found me because they were looking for “website copywriting services”.
So, use some keyword research tools to find out what your audience is googling and what words they use when talking about your services or type of business.
Then, include them in your website copy!
Psst. My 🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ includes keyword research and on-page SEO, too.
4. Blog on your business website
No, blogging isn’t dead, and it’s not about sharing random company updates (like that new award you won).
When done strategically, blogging on your business website has so many benefits, like:
Reaching the 95% of your audience who are NOT ready to buy just yet
Nurturing your audience and smoothening the sales funnel (so that, when they are ready to buy, they’ll think of YOU)
Helping you rank for more keywords
Making your entire website rank higher, too (you can’t just optimise your main pages for SEO and never touch your website again! If you want it to rank on Google, you NEED to publish fresh content regularly)
Positioning yourself as a thought leader
Giving you high-quality content that you can repurpose and turn into newsletters, social media posts, and so on
Bringing you more clients (businesses that blog regularly get a whopping 67% more inbound leads)
So, create unique and valuable blog content that answers your audience’s questions, shares a new perspective, and positions your services as the logical next step.
Oh, and optimise each blog post for SEO (whenever possible) to have the BEST chances of attracting your dream clients through Google.
Remember: most of your audience is still trying to understand their current problem and how to solve it.
So, for example, they’re not googling “business coach for solopreneurs” (yet!). They’re asking “why is my business not growing,” “why did my launch fail” or “do I need a business coach or a consultant?”
If YOU don’t answer their questions and get them to discover your brand through your blog, your competitors will.
Not sure where to start? Book a 1:1 session to start blogging with clarity, confidence, and a proper strategy
5. Be on a couple of social media platforms
Social media marketing will allow you to grow your brand, reach more people, and turn some of them into clients… when done right, at least!
So, here’s how to promote your business on social media strategically:
Pick a couple of platforms – Honestly: you don’t need to be everywhere! I recommend choosing 2 platforms where your audience is active. Ideally, platforms you will enjoy using as well, otherwise you’ll struggle to be consistent (for example, I used to be on X back when it was still called Twitter, but we didn’t vibe. So, I closed it and never looked back)
Optimise your profiles – Treat them as mini landing pages. As soon as someone lands on your profiles, they must be able to understand your core messaging. So, be clear and specific
Create content for your specific dream clients – It sounds obvious, but I keep seeing the same mistakes: people posting just for the sake of posting or… creating content that’s actually more useful to their competitors than their target audience (like fellow copywriters giving “7 tips to become a better copywriter” or graphic designers sharing “How I started my freelance graphic design business, step-by-step”). Instead, if you want to learn how to promote your business on social media successfully, every single piece of content should speak to your dream clients
Experiment with different formats and types of content – To figure out what actually resonates with your dream clients, you might have to experiment a bit first. Plus, it’s also important to consider what YOU actually enjoy creating and can commit to. For example, short-form video keeps on growing, especially on Instagram and TikTok. But if you’d really struggle to film and edit these videos (and haven’t got the budget to outsource them)? It’d make more sense to focus on carousels instead
Engage with your audience – Don’t just post and ghost! Interact with your followers, reply to comments and DMs, and start conversations. That’s another reason why I recommend being realistic with your number of social media platforms: because it’s not just about scheduling content. You must engage with your audience, too
6. Have an email list (and don’t let it gather cobwebs)
Listen: I do like social media, but we need to be realistic.
If you’ve already been posting on at least one platform for a while, do you ever get frustrated because the algorithm hides your content?
And it’s not just that: your profiles aren’t really yours. They’re rented space.
You could get restricted or banned anytime. And before you say “It’s never going to happen to me,” trust me: I’ve seen it happen to so many people, and NOT just those who posted controversial or problematic content.
The irony? One of them was a lovely Instagram trainer… and Instagram deleted her profile! It took her a month and a half to get it back.
Honestly: I’m not saying this to scare or discourage you.
By all means, DO promote your business on social media. But don’t rely on those platforms alone. Focus on channels you own, too. And one of the best? Email marketing
Come up with the right newsletter angle – Just like with the blog on your business website, your newsletter shouldn’t be about updates and news (even if it’s called ‘newsletter’). You must show up in your audience’s inboxes with content that’s insightful, useful, or entertaining (or all three) for them. For example, my newsletter includes advice and content prompts to help women entrepreneurs make their messaging and marketing magnetic
Choose a realistic schedule – I love emailing my list every Tuesday. Some people email theirs twice a week. But if that already sounds like a lot for you, don’t stretch yourself too thin. It’s better to stick to (say) a bi-weekly or monthly newsletter consistently than to send a few weekly issues, get overwhelmed, and disappear for months
7. Consider creating a lead magnet to get people on your list
When marketing your business online, your goal is to turn your followers, website visitors, blog readers, and lurkers into:
Newsletters subscribers (so that you can contact them directly and in a more personalised way, without losing them forever or worrying about algorithms)
And while having a newsletter is a fabulous start, make your life easier:
create a free lead magnet. This can be a PDF resource (like a checklist or guide), an eBook, an exclusive offer, a webinar, a quiz, and so on. Something that your audience would actually be interested in and that’s relevant to your services and goals.
Even better? Turn it into a simple funnel by having:
A valuable lead magnet
An automated email sequence that acts as a bridge between that free resource and your paid offer
8. Consider other marketing strategies—IF relevant and realistic
If you commit to it properly, everything I’ve covered so far will allow you to market your business online successfully and get dream clients to come to you.
For example, at this stage, I get my own clients through:
My strategic and SEO-friendly website copy
The blog on my website
LinkedIn and Instagram
My lead magnet and email sequence
My newsletter
However, if you want to try different tactics too (as long as you actually have the capacity for them), here’s what you can consider:
Start a podcast – Much like your blog or social media content, a podcast can attract your dream clients, get them to engage with your brand, and grow your audience
Paid ads – Most of the marketing strategies we looked at so far are about the long-term game. If you need new clients fast, it might make sense to invest in paid ads on Google or social media
Run webinars and lives – Offer some free (or paid) training to your audience, and help them familiarise themselves with you and your offers
Collaborate with other experts – Did you ‘click’ with someone who targets your same audience, perhaps because they offer complementary services? Help each other out by collaborating! For example, you could run a webinar or event together
Consider influencer collaborations – Depending on the types of services you offer, you could even partner with an influencer who’s followed by your dream clients
Write guest posts – Choose relevant publications (hint hint: those that are read by your audience) and pitch them an article idea that would be beneficial to their readers while positioning you as an expert
Appear on other people’s podcasts – Different format, same logic
Join online groups and communities – Find groups where your dream clients are active (like Facebook groups for women in business or LinkedIn groups for people who are interested in mindfulness), and engage with them there, too
9. Create a realistic marketing plan
Oooooooooof, that was A LOT! So, how can you bring it all together without getting overwhelmed?
Is there anything you can outsource? – A professional website, new copy for it, your blog, your social media… If you have the budget for it, it makes sense to invest in your business by hiring an expert to take care of some of your marketing
If it’s just you, be both strategic and realistic – As we said before: quality, consistency, and an actual strategy > quantity
Learning how to market your business online is also about coming up with a plan to keep it up regularly without burning out.
Sure, some strategies are more evergreen, like your website copy, lead magnet, and email sequence.
But as for your ongoing marketing, ask yourself (and be honest!): what can you actually commit to?
For example, you could try writing a monthly blog post, a bi-weekly newsletter, and posting on two social media platforms 3 times a week while engaging almost every day. Or a different combination altogether!
Once again: start small. You can always increase your frequency later down the line.
And when you’ve picked the right plan and schedule for you:
Put your own marketing in your calendar or project management platform – Otherwise, we both know it’s not going to happen!
Batch your content – Ultimately, this comes down to personal preference. Some people would rather come up with new ideas on the spot. But personally? I think it’s a huuuuuuuuge waste of your time and energy! And you might end up posting content just for the sake of it instead of focusing on your overall strategy. So, I recommend setting some time aside for batching it every week (or biweekly, monthly, etc.)
Repurpose your content – Work smarter, not harder! You don’t have to create new content for every single platform every time. For example, you could turn one blog post into two newsletters, a carousel, and 5 or 6 social media posts. And I promise: it’s ok to repurpose or even reshare your best-performing pieces every once in a while! Not everyone has seen them the first time
Keep your messaging and focus consistent – Jumping from one topic to another every day? Describing your services in completely different ways every time? You can’t expect your dream clients to associate you with the problem they want to solve and the outcome they want to achieve. So, refer to your messaging and pillars when planning your content. You might think you’re being repetitive, but trust me: the opposite is true! Your audience needs to see the same message multiple times to actually understand it and take action. So, find new creative ways of talking about the same core topics
Make your messaging and marketing magnetic, and get a custom plan during a 1:1 strategy day 🧲
I hope my guide on how to market your business online was helpful!
But here’s an uncomfortable truth: most people read all kinds of how-to content and then… not take action. It becomes yet another task that gets buried underneath their to-do list.
Are YOU serious about starting to market your business online successfully and ASAP? And to do so in a way that feels manageable so that you don’t get overwhelmed?
And to also:
Get the 1:1 help of a messaging and marketing expert
Receive both accountability and support
Explore strategies that are tailored to your unique situation
Have all your questions answered
Get proven frameworks and a custom marketing plan
Then, guess what?
We can take your messaging from ‘messy’ to ‘magnetic’ and make your marketing easier and more effective together—in one day (+ 2 weeks of 1:1 support).
My online marketing strategy days are perfect for women entrepreneurs who have the right offers for their dream clients but struggling to convey it or see results from their marketing.
So, they’ve mainly been relying on:
Unpredictable referrals
Time-consuming cold outreach
Loooooots of discovery calls with prospects who often ghost them
If that sounds like you, we can fix it together.
Ready to become THE go-to solution in the eyes of your dream clients and actually enjoy your marketing?
Then, let’s create a plan to get your dream audience to come to YOU and take them from 'prospects' to 'paying clients' more easily.
More #crafty blog posts on this topic:
5 Signs Your Messaging Is Sabotaging Your Service-Based Biz
Wasting too much time on messy marketing? Attracting wrong-fit prospects? Here’s why your messaging is probably working against you (and how to fix it).
Struggling to convey the value of your services in a way that takes your dream audience from prospects to paying clients, shouting “Take my money RIGHT. NOW”?
I bet you’re actually incredible at what you do (otherwise, you wouldn’t have that many positive testimonials and referrals).
What’s actually working against you is prooooobably your marketing messaging.
But I’m not one for relying on guesswork. So, let’s look into it to find out for sure—and see how to ix it.
What is ‘messaging’ in marketing?
In marketing, messaging is the way you talk and write about your business and services and what you focus on the most (your messaging pillars).
It’s how you convey your value proposition, mission, story, and personality to your target audience and across all your marketing channels.
5 signs your messaging is working against you (and how to fix it)
Your messaging should help you attract your target audience, repel wrong-fit prospects, and position yourself as THE go-to solution in the eyes of your dream clients.
But if one (or more) of the following sounds a liiiiiiiiiittle too familiar?
Then it means your marketing messaging has been sabotaging you instead.
1. You can’t sum up what your business is about (not effectively, at least)
Be honest: if I were to bump into you right now, would you be able to impress me with an elevator pitch? Can you summarise your business and what makes you unique—in just a sentence or two?
If you’re now hiding behind your screen hoping you DON’T bump into me just yet, it means your messaging has been sabotaging your service-based business.
Because here’s the thing:
“your messaging has the power to draw your dream clients in and make them see your services as the only logical next step.
But if YOU are not clear on it, you can’t expect THEM to get it.”
How to fix this messaging problem:
Get clear on exactly:
What you do – E.g. I’m a messaging consultant and brand copywriter (not a generic “copywriter” or “consultant”)
Who for – If you’re trying to speak to everyone, you’ll connect with no one. Hopefully, you’ve already defined your target audience, but it’s also important to know how you should refer to them. E.g. I work with women solopreneurs and founders of service-based business, so I usually speak to “women entrepreneurs”
How this benefits them – That’s what you must focus on to convey the value of your services! Not their features or what you care about. E.g. I make my clients’ messaging and marketing magnetic and turn them into THE go-to solution in the eyes of their dream audience.
And you must also package it in a way that sets you apart from everyone else.
You don’t want to be “just another option,” and it’s not about being “the best” either (I believe that, no matter how skilled we are, there’s more than ONE “best copywriter/web developer/interior designer/business coach, etc. EVER.”)
Instead, you must position yourself as “THE go-to solution in the eyes of a specific audience who’s experiencing a specific problem.”
For example, my core brand messaging is:
“I’m the brand messaging strategist and copywriter for women entrepreneurs, taking them from ‘just another option in their niche’ to ‘THE go-to solution for their ideal clients.’ I’ll make your messaging and marketing magnetic so that you can attract your target audience, repel wrong-fit prospects, and sell your services more easily and effectively.”
And once you’ve done that?
Do the same for each of your services or offers: exactly what it is, who for, how it’ll benefit them, and how it’s different from similar options.
2. You’re always changing your messaging
Do you find yourself tweaking your website copy and social media bios all the time? Do you refer to yourself as a ‘strategist’ today and a ‘coach’ tomorrow?
Then that’s another sign that your messaging has been working against you: it’s not consistent.
You may (or may not) have heard of the rule of 7 in marketing. It says that your customers must see your brand at least 7 times before committing to a purchase.
But nowadays, your audience is BOMBARDED with marketing messages. They see an average of 6,000-10,000 EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
So, the rule of 7 keeps going up. In B2B, most people need a whopping 27 interactions before buying for you.
“But if your messaging changes every time they see or hear about your business? You’re making things even MORE difficult for your dream clients.”
How to fix this messaging problem:
After getting clear on your core messaging, create a framework for your overall brand and each of your services.
And once you’ve done that? Refer to this brand messaging framework whenever you plan your marketing and content or write and talk about your business.
That way, you’ll keep your messaging consistent all the time and make it easier for your audience to remember it.
3. Your messaging is aaaaaaaall about yourself
“I’m passionate about helping…”
“I’d love to get on a call with you…”
“It’s my mission to…”
Do you often use these types of sentences in your messaging and marketing?
I get it: your business is your baby, and you are passionate about it. But unfortunately, that’s NOT what your dream clients need to see.
As mentioned before, they’re exposed to 6,000-10,000 marketing messages every day.
“If you want them to notice and absorb YOUR message, you must make it about THEM.”
How to fix this messaging problem:
From your website copy to your emails and social media posts: build your messaging around your dream clients and what THEY will gain from investing in your services.
NOT what you’re personally passionate about (sorry).
In fact, here’s a simple exercise you can start with: try to use “you” more often than you say “I”.
4. You’re attracting too many wrong-fit prospects and clients who treat you as “just another option in your niche”
Do you often get enquiries about services you don’t even offer? Or waste HOURS on calls with prospects who take up your time for free and then tell you “We’ve decided to go with a different person” or… downright ghost you?
Now, I’ll be completely honest: no matter how strategic you get with your messaging and pre-qualification process, there’ll always be some of these leads who slip through your system.
(Some people just don’t read. Instead, they’d rather get in touch with a bunch of service providers or book random calls… and waste their time.)
But they should be the exception to the rule, not a regular occurrence.
“Once you clarify your messaging, you’ll start attracting more of your dream clients and repelling wrong-fit prospects.”
For example: years ago, I helped a web designer who kept attracting low-paying and difficult clients who clearly thought THEY could have done her job better than her… even though she was ridiculously skilled at building websites.
As soon as I looked at her messaging, I spotted ONE word that had been sabotaging her right from the start (because it was in the top section of her homepage and some of her social media bios).
She was targeting “time-poor entrepreneurs.” By focusing on “time-poor,” she was attracting that type of client: those who think they could easily do it themselves, they just hAvEn’T gOt TiMe.
So, one of the first things we did was swapping “time-poor” for “ambitious” to grab the attention of a different type of client: those who have big goals, want to scale their business, and are prepared to invest in the help of an expert to get there.
THAT’S the difference your messaging will make!
How to fix this messaging problem:
Remember that magnets don’t only attract: they repel, too.
So, make your messaging fully magnetic by building it around your dream clients but don’t be afraid to put off those who’d be a bad fit.
As a service provider, time is your most valuable asset. And so is your energy. You shouldn’t have to waste them talking to so many wrong-fit prospects.
And once you get strategic and hyper-specific with your messaging? You’ll start showing up as THE go-to solution in the eyes of your actual dream clients.
Bye bye, prospects who book a bunch of calls with your competitors, too. Hello, clients who want to work with YOU and you only.
5. You’re spending a lot of time on your content and marketing but they don’t feel worth the effort
Do you waste hours sitting in front of a Google Doc, forcing yourself to pull new content ideas out of thin air—regularly? Do you feel like you’re starting from scratch every time you want to promote your services?
Then your messaging is clearly sabotaging your business.
“But how is this related, Giada?”
“Marketing is really about amplifying your core messaging to reach more people and turn them into clients.”
If you don’t know how to do that or you’re not crystal clear on your messaging, then it’s costing you a lot of time, sales, and money.
How to fix this messaging problem:
It shouldn’t feel like you’re always starting from scratch every time. Your brand messaging and story should act as a compass.
So, use your messaging (from your new strategic wording to your messaging pillars) to inform all your marketing and content creation.
Messy messaging = messy marketing (and more difficult sales)
Did many of those signs sound familiar? Then, there you go.
I bet there’s nothing wrong with your actual services, especially if most of your clients are super satisfied after investing in you.
What’s sabotaging you is your marketing messaging.
Because… the truth?
“At this stage, it doesn’t matter how good you are at delivering your services.
If you can’t package it in a way that connects with your dream clients? They’ll NEVER find out because… they won’t take action.”
Or they will, but you’ll need to work 10x harder to get there—and waste time and energy on too many wrong-fit prospects along the way.
So, think of your messaging as the foundation of your marketing. Clarify and fine-tune your messaging first and use it to guide everything else.
If you want it to grow your business sustainably and actually enjoy the ride, you must build your marketing on solid pillars—not on pillars of sand.
How I can make your messaging and marketing magnetic🧲
As you know by now, I’m Giada (hi!), the brand messaging strategist and copywriter for women entrepreneurs.
I can take your from “just another option in your niche” to “THE go-to solution for your ideal clients” in two main ways:
Magnetic Messaging Compass🧭 Get clarity & your bespoke brand messaging guide in 1 week. Follow it to attract clients who already want to work with YOU and you only
🧲Magnetic Message & Web Copy Makeover✨ Brand messaging guide + website copy that actually sells for you
You already have the perfect services for your clients. Now, it’s time to package them in a way that attracts them and makes them think “It’s like she’s read my mind! This is exactly what I need right now.”
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